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Woman Divorces Husband Just Three Minutes After They’re Married

We all know that marriage is tough. And sometimes, people do get cold feet at the altar.

But in Kuwait, a couple took this to a whole new level with a marriage that lasted for only 3 minutes.

Reports on the exact details of this matrimonial tragedy are not too clear, but the sequence of events is somewhat generally acknowledged.

A newly married husband and wife were all set to live their happy lives. They signed their marriage certificate with a judge and began to leave as a new, legal family.

But then, as they turned to go, the newlywed woman tripped and went sprawling on the floor.

Her husband thought the scene was absolutely hilarious, likely due to the highly formal occasion accompanied by such a silly accident.

He started to make fun of her heartily. But this was the wrong move.

The woman was furious that her brand new husband was poking fun at her.

No one knows exactly what he said, but it must have been quite bad – or she must have been quite sensitive – to cause such a bad ruckus.

So the bride stormed right back to the judge inside the courthouse and told him she had changed her mind, rescinding her marriage within 3 minutes.

This marriage now holds the record for the shortest matrimonial union ever held on Kuwait.

It is, however, not officially able to be declared the shortest in the world – and though it is more extreme than others, it definitely is not the only extremely brief marriage we know of.

Back in 2004, one pair of newlyweds put an end to their union just 90 minutes after making it official.

During the wedding reception, the groom apparently got a little carried away when making his toast and directed some comments towards the bridesmaids that heavily angered his bride.

In fact, she was so angry that she hit him over the head with an ashtray.

Police had to be called to the scene, and the groom actually attacked the officers who arrived.

He had to be arrested and stayed overnight in the slammer. Meanwhile, his now ex-wife canceled their Corfu honeymoon.

Of course, we cannot judge this new three-minute marriage.

We do not know what the groom said, or why the bride was so incensed by his remarks, so we can’t say who is at fault for certain.

However, we do think that there’s a good chance the pair hadn’t known each other long enough before tying the knot.

These tales of marriage gone so quickly sour are definitely amusing to read about, but there’s a darker side to brief marriages, too.

Other cases have shown how marriage can sometimes act as a catalyst for a host of negative behavioral issues from either party.

Some have reported their new husbands or wives becoming abusive, possessive, controlling, or just completely changing into different people once the union is official.

At the same time, there are many equally ridiculous stories of short-lived marriages.

The ensuing break-ups happen over the silliest reasons – like enjoying a band one spouse isn’t fond of.

Some rush into the decision to marry and regret it shortly after. Others just have second thoughts.

Whatever the case, it sure is awkward for witnesses and wedding attendees!

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