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Tom Felton Admits Feeling “A Spark” for Emma Watson, Their Harry Potter Co-Star

Tom Felton appears to have received a small dose of Veritaserum because he is speaking the truth about Emma Watson.

The Draco Malfoy actor from the Harry Potter movie series talked up about the romantic tension he’s always experienced with Hermione Granger co-star Emma Watson.

Tom stated that he has “always had a secret love for Emma, though not necessarily in the sense that people might like to hear” in his new memoir Beyond the Wand, which the Evening Standard was able to obtain.

That’s not to say that there hasn’t ever been a spark between us, he continued. There has, but only at certain points throughout time.

Tom went on to explain that he found out Emma had a crush on him when she was 12. He was 15 at the time, and had a girlfriend.

“Rumours started to abound that there was more to our relationship than we were letting on,” Tom recalled.

“I denied that I liked her in that way, but the truth was different. My girlfriend at the time knew straight away that there was something unspoken between us. I remember using the familiar old line, ‘I love her like a sister’. But there was more to it than that.”

Although the two have always had chemistry, Tom now admits he doesn’t think he was “ever in love with Emma”.

“But I loved and admired her as a person in a way that I could never explain to anybody else,” he insisted. “We were kindred spirits.”

He added: “I know for certain I’ll always have Emma’s back and she’ll always have mine too.”

Although platonic love may not be as ship-worthy as what Harry Potter fans want, we’ll always have Emma’s adorable story of the exact moment she knew she was in love with Tom.

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