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The Athletic: Due to a torn muscle, Giovani Lo Celso may miss the World Cup

Even though he is only about one and a half feet from the entrance, Giovani Lo Celso is still technically a Tottenham Hotspur player.However, there is bad news for Gio and the Argentine national team: Tim Spiers at The Athletic (£) says that Gio is likely to miss the World Cup this month because he tore his quadriceps playing for his loan team Villarreal.

The Spurs doctors, who technically still have a say in the matter because he is still a Spurs player, are pushing for Gio to undergo surgery to correct the issue, but Gio doesn’t want to because he might still feature for Argentina. It appears that Gio is fighting with the doctors at Villarreal and Tottenham over this injury.However, it does not appear to be happening.

I am aware that we complain about the Argentine Football Association and international friendlies.Additionally, I am aware that Cuti and Gio’s insistence on representing Argentina at all times has been a significant problem for the club in the past, particularly during the COVID era.Who could forget the fracas that involved the sovereign nation of Croatia, COVID officials stopping a game that was already underway, and a rivalry match against Brazil?)

However, this is just awful for Gio on a human level, and I sympathize with him.It would have been Gio’s big moment to represent his country at the World Cup, which is a goal for every professional football player.It hurts that that moment has passed due to injury.

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