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Celebrities such as Leonardo DiCaprio and Billie Eilish are encouraging their US fans to vote

Celebrities including Kim Kardashian, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Billie Eilish encouraged their followers to vote in the midterm elections.

Celebrities in the US posted and shared images on the issue in an effort to boost voting turnout.

On Tuesday, November 8, the midterm election voting was over.

In an earlier video, she urged viewers to “commit to create a plan to vote,” stating that the election’s stakes “scare me.”

Sarah Jessica Parker of Sex and the City commented on Instagram, beside a photo of her “I Voted” sticker and a coffee cup, “Don’t forget to mail in those ballots!

Early voting is already available, with extremely generous hours and always the friendliest staff working and assisting.

On her social media accounts, reality star Kim Kardashian posted a number of links to poll opening hours along with reminders to remain in line at the polling places.

A collection of video interviews with voters who discussed specific local issues and their voting motivations were put online by Hollywood heavyweight Leonardo DiCaprio.

He wrote: “Voting is one of the most significant civic obligations we have, making sure that the issues that most directly affect us are on the minds of the people who represent us.”

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