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He Kept His Ex In His Secret Basement For, When The Authorities Arrived They Were Speechless

He kept his ex in his secret basement for weeks when the authorities arrived. They were speechless. Anna maria was well aware that her position was deteriorating and that she would perish unless someone or something intervened quickly.

She guessed that she had been imprisoned in a dark cellar for almost a month. Visiting her captor only once a day with a small amount of water and a hard loaf of bread, which only satisfied her hunger for a short time before making her empty stomach feel worse.

She hadn’t seen the sun in over a year, she hadn’t washed and she yearned to breathe less stuffy air, but everything seemed so far away now that the memories were blurring and she raved at times convinced that the life she was missing was only a dream. She had never pictured herself in this scenario and had no idea how she had arrived at this point.

The only thing that kept her sane was trying to remember who she was before everything happened. Anna maria was a young lawyer with a bright future ahead of her big dreams and a strong willpower that had always put her first. Her self-esteem was admirable in every area she went and she seemed to always have luck on her side as she seemed to be able to accomplish anything.

She set her mind to. She was accustomed to being in command of the situation she found herself in and her friends had complete faith in her. She knew that whatever strategy anna maria had in mind would be successful because she would ensure that everything ran smoothly. Besides, she had such a wonderful charisma that no one couldn’t stand being around her for long. She could hold a conversation in a quiet setting and also dance and be the life of the party and when circumstances demanded it, her family had provided her with everything she required.

Anna Marie had breezed through college with no problems and her parents had bought her a lovely apartment when she turned 18 Her life appeared to be so wonderful that neither she nor anybody else could imagine anything going wrong. Anna maria had been seeing her boyfriend for two years.

At the time he was a family acquaintance who they’d always wanted to set her up with and she’d, never opposed, it because the young man was quite gorgeous and seemed to have everything a woman could desire. He treated her well, never making her feel less than he did and always making sure that their communication was honest and real. Anna maria had felt she was happy and nothing in her life could be better until that day when she met Julian, though she realized she’d been fooled.

Her entire life, Julian, like her, was a lawyer and he’d, walked in her shoes in terms of comfort and social standing. He appeared to be stylish and handsome at first glance, with a demeanour that was quite similar to anna maria’s, but he had a dark side that no one knew about Julian was similar to her in every aspect, except the fact that he had never been Happier pleased with his life, despite having everything and more, he carried a profound bitterness in his heart that wasn’t justified.

He was simply not himself and he was frequently involved in brawls and pubs when he was constantly inebriated or he appeared in strange places for no reason. His appearance, however, didn’t disclose any of the demons that haunted him after days lost in booze and drugs and anna maria couldn’t help but be drawn to him. Julian had never met a lady as complex as her as he began to entice her in any way.

He could anna maria seemed to him when he arrived at the workplace as a forceful and unyielding lady with clear convictions and a refusal to give up she is also beautiful and intelligent and winning her over became a personal task. Anna maria was in a bad mood, so she ended her relationship with him and gave herself entirely to the feeling she had for Julian, which were greater than she could contain. He never left her alone again after he realized she was available.

They began a tumultuous relationship that kept them imprisoned together for weeks with neither of them wanting to work, visit their families or do anything other than memorize each other. When anna maria regained some sanity, she recognized that it was insane to throw everything away so quickly and that she couldn’t leave her life behind.

She wanted to go back to work and all she had done before and she wanted Julian to help her. However, it was at that point that the first signals of trouble began to surface Julian hid would appear to be to leave the house and leave him alone and she didn’t notice. Furthermore, he had begun drinking and using drugs when she was present, but she hadn’t noticed she was entirely blinded by the love she imagined she felt for him.

Anna maria saw that they hardly ever talked about themselves, their families or their perspectives as days passed but instead focused on minor and ambiguous matters as a result when she requested they have a more serious discussion. Julian refused and ignored her, however, that same night, drunk and shameless, he told Anamaria that he despised his life and everyone in it that he only cared about her and that he never wanted her to leave him, because if she did he’d be forced to commit suicide.

Anna maria should have been able to get out of that relationship sooner with a statement of intent of that magnitude though when they were together, everything else faded away, and he made her feel on top of the world, leaving her to believe that Julian was the Love of her life and that she had to fight and make sacrifices for him, such as seeing less of her family or adjusting to Julian’s odd schedule to spend more time together.

Anna maria’s friends recognized she was in a toxic and potentially dangerous relationship, but when they tried to warn her, she ignored them and even accused him of not wanting to see her happy because she thought she was finally herself. Not the good girl she’s been before her parents attempted to separate them. Even her ex-boyfriend set aside his pride in his broken heart to communicate with her the same way they used to with absolute candour and a constant desire to build. However, anna maria had grown obnoxious and spiteful, and she had entirely shut out the explanations given to her by those who truly cared for her.

After a month, things had spiralled out of control, and Annamaria, finally recognized how much this relationship was affecting her and decided to end it. However, it was too late Julian had her gagged in the trunk of his automobile, and she didn’t know where she was going while she sobbed in despair, Hannah maria remembered all the people who tried to save her in the past.

But she had ignored her and at that moment, when she didn’t know if she’d die or if anyone would ever find her, she felt herself thrown onto icy ground and when her eyes adjusted to the darkness. She realized she was locked in a cellar in an abandoned lot and that unless Julian decided to free her she’d be trapped there for the rest of her life and she’d been there for a few weeks unable to make any decisions. [ Music ] Julian, had found to kill her, but it was the police who’d.

Finally tracked him down and had to hurt him to disarm him as he threatened to shoot himself when they discovered him. The officials were startled when they walked down to the basement and observed the horrible conditions her abductor had kept her in.

For those weeks, they returned her to her home, where her parents greeted her with gladness and didn’t chastise her for not listening to them. They only cared about her, and her friends, greeted them with open arms, and no one objected to her. As a result, anna maria’s reflection came to her on her own, making it easier for her to embrace him.

Her loving family and friends had shown her how much they cared for her and would always want the best for her. That’s why she swore she’d, never reject their advice again and she’d never abandon a good relationship for an unknown one.