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Mom gets pregnant after years of trying, days later, doctor calls and confesses a terrifying mistake

Mom gets pregnant after years of trying days later, the doctor calls and confesses a terrifying mistake. Most couples that get married want to start a family at some point, but wanting a family and not being able to must be unbearable.

Some couples go to extreme lengths to conceive caroline and sean savage was one of those couples instead of Carolyn having a positive pregnancy test, Carolyn would continue getting her period. Each month was mentally and emotionally draining when she would become pregnant. Her dreams would be crushed when miscarriages happened.

The couple turned to in vitro fertilization like so many couples in the same situation married in 1993. The couple tried and tried, but it simply wouldn’t happen. Naturally, they celebrated their first anniversary with the birth of their first baby.

The second child came soon after, with the help of fertility treatments fast forward, to 10 years after trying test tube fertilization in 2007, their daughter, mary kate, was born in 2009 Carolyn had embryos implanted to attempt to have child number four, with the news that the IVF treatment was Successful the couple’s lives were changed forever only days into the pregnancy. The couple received terrible news.

The embryos had mistakenly been mixed up. The baby she was carrying, wasn’t hers. The savages were forced to make the hardest decision of their lives, should they abort the baby or give the baby to the biological parents? We move from a position of shock to a realization that this is going to happen. It’s just been difficult, but we feel we made the right decisions on how to handle it.

Carolyn explained sean and Carolyn decided on the biological parents. Shannon and paul Morrell should have the baby. They were longing for them, he is their son, but he will always be my baby. Carolyn says, after that experience, Carolyn thought she had been through everything Blessings come in two in 2011 happiness returned Carolyn and sean announced. They were expecting twins this time via a surrogate mother miracle twins, isabella and reagen brought immense joy to the family.

The twins have closed. Some of the grief we were still experiencing over what happened with Logan. They are certainly not replacement babies, but they have been the best for all of us. Carolyn told the daily mail, and just when you thought their family was complete. Perhaps the most surprising news of all came in the spring of 2014.

Caroline couldn’t believe her eyes. When she looked at the pregnancy test, could it be true? How could it be, as my befuddled brain studied the test? I thought I must be wrong. I’ve been fertile I’ve gone through countless fertility treatments over the past two decades and, except for a couple of IVF, I’ve only seen two positive home pregnancy tests.

What on earth was my four to five-year-old self-thinking I couldn’t be pregnant now? Could I baby Nicholas was born without the use of any fertility: drugs?