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After Noticing the Crowd, a Witness Pulls Out a Camera to Capture a Terrible Car Crash

This photo is just amazing. You don’t really have to know the whole story to understand that all of these people are out of their vehicles helping their fellow man. Amazing! It all happened in Ruskin, Florida after a tire on a Ford Excursion blew out. The driver lost control, and it flipped over a guardrail.

One of the passengers, a 9-year-old girl, was partially trapped under the vehicle. Dozens of people got out of their cars to help. Some of the people pushed the SUV up, while others got the little girl out! Dayna Gibson and her father were two of the people who stopped to help. Gibson recalls that there were people from all walks of life who stopped to help.

Take a look at this photo

car crash
Image Credit: Bay News 9

Some of the people who stopped were wearing three-piece suits, others were wearing flip flops and shorts. We can do amazing things if we all just work together!

Share away, people.

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