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Lonely 6 Year Old Calls 911, Asks Police Officer For Help, Incident Touched the Hearts

One young boy learns a great lesson after calling the emergency services line because he was alone. Loneliness can cause a breakdown in someone. It is a feeling that we all have experienced in a different phases of life. Sometimes we have family and friends to turn to in times of hardship. However, sometimes we don’t have anyone to talk or share with which is quite upsetting.

An incident came to light where one 6-year-old boy who is living in Florida turned to an unexpected source of his loneliness and made us learn a great teachable lesson. One Tuesday Officer Joe White of the Tallahassee Police Department was doing his shift when he got an emergency call from a six-year-old boy who told the officer that he was feeling lonely and was asking for help from a number that he knew by heart which is 911. Rather than being baffled by the young boy over calling 911 for an absurd thing, Officer White chose to take the chance to make a special moment. Officer White went to go see the young boy and further he proceeded to make him understand that 911 was only for emergencies, or crises,

where someone needs help right away from either the police, the ambulance, or the fire department. While Officer White explained all of this to the little kid, he also made the boy sit in his patrol car, and turned the lights on. The young boy was fascinated. His day was lonely and sad for him, but officer White had turned into both an exciting and educational experience. The story went viral when the police department posted it on its social media channels. The entire incident touched several people’s hearts.

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