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Mother was advised to abandon her baby with DOWN Syndrome! But nurse told her to take the baby HOME

The events that I’ll tell you about today happened about a month ago in New Jersey and quickly spread through social media because anyone who read this woman’s post could hardly hold back their emotions and even tears.

Ava is a young student who is no different from the rest of today’s youth. She is just as obsessed with social media gadgets pretty accessories and clothing brands as the rest of her peers. However, she found herself in a situation which made her change her way of life and rethink her values.

As Ava tells this story, it was a regular Friday, which was no different from hundreds of other Fridays before I picked up my friend and went to a shopping mall to kill time. Everything was as usual. We goofed around, went shopping and made plans for the weekend.

A little later, we decided to go to a pizza shop and get some food. About 10 meters away from the pizza place.

I saw a claw machine with plush toys inside and suggested we spent a few coins on it. Five attempts later, the coveted prize was in our hands. I don’t know how this story could have ended. The toy would have most likely ended up gathering dust somewhere under my bed if it weren’t for a little boy who looked about seven and was passing by. Just at that time, he was with his dad and we decided to give him the toy.

Having given him the prize, we heard a thank you in response. It didn’t seem like anything special, just a well mannered boy. But two minutes later, we couldn’t hold back our tears. After the boy’s words, his dad burst into tears.

As the man later explained, his son had a developmental delay and a year ago he had a severe fright and hasn’t talked for about eleven months ever since.

That is, until our encounter. The man also shared that they had even taken the boy to many different specialists, but unfortunately, therapy didn’t help. Eva wrote that after that fateful day, the boy started to get better and even started talking to his parents. It’s just incredible, she added.

Sometimes words said at the right time or a simple act of kindness can change someone’s life for the better.

You have to agree it’s usually no trouble for us, but for someone it could make for the best day of their life. This story changed the girl’s life too, because when you do something nice, you feel good about yourself and your life gets a little better too.


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