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Old man crashed into a BMW. What the luxury car owner did is hard to believe

An old man crashed into a BMW. What the luxury car owner did is unbelievable. An old man was involved in a traffic accident as his simple vehicle crashed into a brand new luxury car of a businessman. But what this man revealed was that the old man was something money cannot buy. On a rainy afternoon, a man in his 70s was sitting on his old rocking chair while watching the news on the TV.

His wife was lying on the bed trying to take a nap, but she was plagued by a severe migraine. Upon realizing this, Mr Walter looked out the window and saw how heavy the rain was, but he still decided to go out to buy medicine for his dear wife. The man didn’t like to drive in the rain, but he hated, even more, to see his wife in pain, so he changed clothes and took the keys. Walking to the garage, he looked fondly at his car, for which he had so much love and appreciation.

Even with so many years. You still look so young, said Mr Walter as he touched the hood of his beloved car. The man leaves with the car and is even surprised. The rain eased up and it was easier to see the bumpy road he was driving on.

He lived in an old house that was on the side of the highway, making the man have to drive for a long time to find a pharmacy to not miss the news. The gentleman bends over to turn a knob on the radio and with the distraction of just a few minutes, the worst happens. Looking back at the road, the old man sees a car in front of him and immediately slams on the brakes. But his old car on the wet road did not cooperate with him, and he hit the rear of the vehicle in front of him. A terrible and loud metallic sound echoed.

Mr Walters recovers and realizes that his big mistake would be even bigger than he thought. He hadn’t just crashed into an ordinary car, but a luxurious and modern vehicle of the kind that only football players and big businessmen possessed. He opens the door and walked slowly to analyze the damage, already knowing that he’d have to work until the last days of his life to pay for the damage. At the same moment, the door of the luxury vehicle opens on a tall man and a thin in her dress with an impeccable hairstyle comes out of the car.

He starts analyzing the damage done, completely ignoring the old man and frowning as if he’s worried, and pulls out his cell phone. He starts photographing all the dents and he finally says a word. The gentleman asks for his cellphone number and his driver’s license. After taking the photos, he returns the documents and tells him to return home and wait for his contact, indicating that he’d look for it without saying goodbye. He got into his luxury vehicle and immediately disappeared down the highway.

Mr Walter slowly returned to his humble car, which had a nice dent in the front and a broken headlight. Tears instantly sprang to the Elder’s eyes and his heart leapt at the thought of how much he’d have to pay to repair all the damage. Even so, he slowly drove to the pharmacy to buy medicine for his wife. When he arrived at the drugstore, he noticed that he’d been injured on his head and he hadn’t even realized.

The pharmacist helped the man to clean the dried blood and put a bandage in the place. He recommended that he would apply instant ice to reduce the swelling, and Mr Walter returned sadly to his residence at home. His wife woke up the next day and asked why her husband was so late. She’d fallen asleep and couldn’t wait for the medicine, but when she noticed the bandage around her husband’s head, she immediately asked what happened before she even heard the answer.

She starts crying, not only to see Mr Walter in that state but because she remembered a tragic accident that happened, reliving the traumatic memories of a day that will never be forgotten. 15 years earlier, the woman had lost her son. The Tour In a sad situation, the young boy who had always played with his toy planes and helicopters. He had only one dream and goal to become a helicopter pilot.

He studied and took the most difficult exams. His parents were supportive of him by sending him immense amounts of money to pay for his courses and the flight hours of practical classes, not saving anything when it came to his education, but it was all worth it. They did so when they saw that their son had been approved first for the pilot course and he did not just want to fly any aircraft, he wanted to help people like a rescue pilot acting in emergencies. Vitaur was brave and he soon became the highlight of his platoon, starting to be assigned to the most difficult and dangerous missions. Mr.

Walter and his wife were full of pride to see that their boy had grown up and that he was saving lives. But they didn’t hide their concerns for security with his high salary. The young man soon began to present his parents with expensive and special items, always showing up at the old house with a spice for the mother and souvenirs of the places he travelled to for his father, undoubtedly the most special gift was an old classic car that he gave to Walter. The old man couldn’t even find the words to thank him, being very happy and emotional. He hugged his son tightly and said that he loved him and he was very proud of him, not because of the present, but because of the amazing person, he had become.

Mr Walter always took care of the vehicle and loved it. Today, when others asked him about the car he said proudly. It was my son who gave it to me. After all, his biggest passion has always been cars, but he was never able to buy one.

Life seems uncomplicated at that moment. Suddenly it appeared as if the new chapter of a book had arrived. Vitar was chosen for a different mission. The helicopter took off well, but its engine failed and it was forced to make risky manoeuvres to land in an open field that made Walter desperate. When he found Victor, he practically begged the boy to transfer to a less risky flight category, but the young man refused.

He justified that he wanted to be precisely on the missions that no one else dared to carry out. The two got into a big argument and from that point on they couldn’t agree on anything anymore. Lunches and family gatherings always ended up in fights, creating a bad atmosphere and further undermining their relationship. Over time, the old person became increasingly anxious, especially when the news of a serious accident was shown on TV. He understood that his son’s missions were knowable, but he couldn’t bear them in an argument any longer.

Mr Walter went too far. He looked into his son’s eyes and said, I regret supporting you for all these years by helping you pay for your courses. You are ungrateful as I asked you for something and you denied here are the keys to the car you gave me. I’m returning it because I drove it and felt somehow connive to the risks you take.

The young man was immensely offended and stormed out of the house, refusing to take the car back. If only they had known this would be their last conversation. Maybe everything would have happened differently. The same day, Victor woke up scared at dawn, and received a call on his cell phone that a serious accident had happened on a bridge and that a family needed to be rescued as soon as possible to be taken to the hospital. In five minutes, Vittor was ready.

Victor arrived at the place and managed to rescue the victims. Yet when he was on his way to the hospital, a terrible storm with strong winds caused the boy to lose his sight and hit the helicopter, losing control and crash landing. In a stroke of bad luck, Mr Walter and his wife lost their only child. The boy could not resist, and the accident left only three persons and two family members on the copilot.

After remembering that the elderly couple was already hugging and finding the strength to continue the day, knowing that now they would have an immense debt on the way. Mr Walter’s job salary would not be enough and it might help end the debts. But in decades he considered selling his vehicle. Yet he changed his mind as the car had a great sentimental value for him.

After all, it was one of the few memories he had of his son. Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door, and a tall and important man appeared. The old man recognized him as the driver of the luxury vehicle and he became ready to see the gigantic bill he’d have to pay. The man was confident and he had a happy look on his face. The fancy young man appeared as if he had something stuck in his throat and started talking.

Immediately he was staring at Vitor’s Photo. Walter asked the young man if he knew his son. The answer was to change Walter’s life forever. The young man said that he was Victor’s best friend and copilot. The old man lost his strength to hear this news.

The boy’s name was Gordon and he was the co-pilot of a tour during the tragic accident. They’d been best friends. Gordon revealed that although the weather on the day was bad, the two decided to fly to save the poor family quickly as they were about to lose their lives. Gordon describes Victor as a true hero and the greatest pilot he’d ever seen. Gordon had some physical therapy as one of his hands was seriously injured due to the accident.

After that, Gordon decided to enter the financial market. He achieved great success which allowed him to buy the luxury car he was driving when he met Mr Walter. After hearing Gordon’s story, the couple cried. Before they were getting more emotional, Gordon gave them Vitor’s letter where he wrote I knew the risks were running and so we wrote letters that should be delivered to our families in case an accident happened.

Walter was speechless. Finally, he hugged Gordon as if Gordon was an angel who brought his son’s last message. Though Walter cried heavily that night, he became sure that his son was looking down and smiling. The comfort in his heart allows

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