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Waitress fired for feeding homeless man, see what the homeless man did when he found out

Waitress fired for feeding homeless men. See what the homeless man did when he found out. I hope you have a good explanation for being late for today’s meeting, the owner of the company yelled at Eric Santa with a frown on her face. When she saw her arrive at the office.

Feeling a little nervous, she explained that she had taken a few minutes to help an old man down the street who had been hit by a car whose driver didn’t even have the decency to stop to help him. Are you telling me that you were late for a business meeting to help that old drunk? You would rather have done him a favour by letting him die? Do you think you’re a Teresa of Calcutta? The woman said sarcastically.

It’s because of people like you. There are so many bums living off pity. I can’t believe you’re so stupid. I appreciate you taking your things and leaving my company. We need ambitious people here. You better go keep those dirty guys company. Poppers from the streets, the woman continued, indicating with a gesture of revulsion that she should leave her office. With eyes full of tears, Roxana took her things and left the company for the hospital to see how the old man was doing.

And it was then she discovered an incredible truth that he hit, which left her completely perplexed. Every day she drove down the Avenue to go to her job at a major real estate company. Roxanne witnessed how an old man who was always wandering the streets was pushed and mistreated by everyone who passed by his side on the sidewalks. And even more than once she had watched as a group of young men threw him to the ground to snatch a few things he sometimes carried and then run away while laughing out loud, even though all this was outrageous and unfair.

Because, in her opinion, nothing justified the fact that people treated another human being in such a cruel way. She had never dared to intercede for that homeless man, since it cost her a certain fear of earning a problem for someone who, after all, didn’t seem to care about any of it and perhaps he didn’t know any other way of living. One morning, astonishment came over her face when she watched as a car that was a couple of cars ahead of her collided hard with the old man. Instead of stopping, it slammed on the gas and sped away from him.

Although there were witnesses, no one did anything to stop it to help the beggar who lying on the ground complained. Unable to get up without thinking twice, Roxana got out of her car and ran to help him. The poor man, already almost unconscious, was all covered in blood. So very worried she began to ask someone to call an ambulance. But everyone did nothing but ignore her, and she could even hear how some said so much fuzz over a homeless man and let him die so there will be one less bothering him in the streets.

Surprised at such cruelty, the poor girl had no choice but to rent her car and call the emergency room herself. My watch. I can’t leave without my watch. He saw the beggar over and over again while she tried to calm him down, not paying much attention to what he was saying, since she believed there was simple nonsense caused by a shrunken state. After the paramedics took him away, Roxana noticed that a few meters away there was the bag that he always carried in his hands and next to it a dirty pocket watch that when she took it in her hands she could see that it was very thin and it was made of real gold.

Still astonished, she decided to keep it in her bag to give it to him later, even if it was a stolen object since it would be very difficult for a man like him to have brought it. Now it belonged to him and the right thing to do was to give it back. Hours later, still appalled at how ruthlessly her boss had fired her from a job for the simple fact of doing what seemed right in her heart, Roxana entered the hospital and asked the nurses if the homeless old man was still in the hospital.

They very kindly said yes and guided her to his room. The girl was stunned to see an elegant man dressed in a suit come out from inside the old man’s room. Just at that moment when she was inside the room, the old man, already clean and tidy, had a hard time recognizing her, but still, there was something else in her features that she was familiar with, but he couldn’t tell from where. I think I’ve seen you. The beggar sat in a sweet voice, staring at her. I was the one who went to help you when the car hit you.

My name is Roxana and I think this is yours, she replied while showing him his watch. As soon as he saw it, the old man began to cry excitedly. Thanks, he exclaimed, clutching at his chest. You have no idea how much this means to me. Excuse me, my sir, but how can something so valuable belong to someone who has been living on the streets for so long? Roxanne asked, unable to hide her curiosity.

It was a gift my daughter gave me many years ago, he answered, letting the nostalgia show in his eyes. When I was about your age, I was the owner of one of the most important watch factories on the continent, and I had just moved into a beautiful mansion with my wife and little daughter in one of the most luxurious areas of the city. There hasn’t been a happier day in my life than the one when I first held my frail, giggling Princess in my arms for the first time. There is no greater blessing in the world than being able to bring a being that from his first breath becomes our reason for existing. Your mother and I loved her more than anything in the world.

After her birth, her mother decided to retire from the company to dedicate herself to taking care of her. So I decided to hire an assistant to take care of supporting me in business matters so that I could also have some time to spend with them. Oh God, she was a little angel. So sweet and playful, always looking for ways to make us all happy. The day she gave me the Swatch, which was her favourite from her store. She was playing in the yard when her mother and I started to fight.

She was suffering when she saw a spike, so in anguish, she stopped what she was doing and ran towards the house. With this voice under threat, the man had to pause before continuing. She slipped while passing by the pool. We only managed to hear a faint cry. My baby, my girl. She was barely five years old. Kilomented without stopping crying. There is no worse punishment for her father than having to see his daughter leave before he does. I’ve never been able to erase that image from my mind. I’ll never be able to get over it. After the accident, his wife was so devastated that she didn’t want to hear from him or anyone else.

Shattered and guilt-ridden, the unfortunate man gave himself over to Halcol to such an extent that he didn’t mind taking to the streets because, for him, life no longer had any meaning. Sam Miguel, the man he saw leaving, is the one who continues to keep me alive and has taken it upon himself to continue with the company and save every Penny in the hope that I will return one day. He’s a good man. So much so that he refuses to let me go.

Move by what Karl Royce, the famous billionaire who had mysteriously disappeared from everyone, had told her. Roxana could not prevent some tears from escaping from her eyes, and she decided to stay a while longer, keeping his company. After knowing what her boss had done to the poor girl, the man felt very indignant and then said, how did she know that it was an old drunk if he only told her that she had helped a homeless man? That question made Rick Santa reflect. The woman made an effort to remember that incident and bring to her memory the license plate of the vehicle that she had fled. Turns out her boss was the person who had missed her call.

Perhaps what the world needs are more people who are interested in the well-being of all and fewer heartless beings who believe that the only thing that matters is money and don’t care what happens to the people around them. Look, the beggar turned out to be much richer than you, Roxanna told her former boss who looked at her red with an anchor before leaving the police station.

Motivated by the fact that in a world where there were people as good as Roxana and Mr Carl’s assistant, the old man decided to enter a rehabilitation centre and start receiving psychological help to overcome the pain of that tragedy. Today, at 80 years old, Carl Royce has been sobering for more than five years and has used his fortune to help those most in need because he will never forget how difficult it is to live on the streets.

For his part, Roxana, in compensation for his kindness was appointed manager of the Watchup while Josemigel finally officially became the company’s President. Both have become great friends and are the main collaborators of Mr Royce and all his charitable causes. And the world needs more empathetic people willing to do good.

You never know what each person we meet along the way hides and how much we can help them. Even with the simplest gesture. Friends, we’ve reached the end of the story. Tell us what you thought of the story, and put it down here in the Comment.

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