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AIRBNB Host: One of the w’orst guest I ever had! He thinks he can j’eopardize me

Dr. Alex Moore, a University of British Columbia Assistant Professor, claims she u’nderwent startling w’arnings by an Airbnb host after she e’vacuated a 4-star review, according to Distractively. Moore, who operates the Twitter handle (@Dr_AlexM), posted the problematic dealings with the host, Brad, who mandated that she withdraw her survey or the “fun begins,” .

Moore took a screenshot of the f’orbidding message that the flat host sent her: I have your portrait, your name, and your number. You have 48 hours to e’liminate your survey or I’m renting a particular d’etective to collect your place and then the entertainment starts. You’re o’bstructed from messaging me at this number.Moore provided background data about why the Airbnb announcer came to be f’urious about the grade. I left a 4/5 survey with an optimistic statement, and the host has called me at my particular number with increasingly f’right’ening topic because my review gave rise to their average rating down from a 5 to a 4.95.

The university mentor dealt the positive assessment she provided Brad’s rental. Certainly appreciated my time here and would necessarily hang around again if I found myself in Vancouver for a limited short days.Moore rapidly mailed the consequence to Twitter and tagged @Airbnb and @Airbnbhelp with her r’esponsibilities in the attention of my own particular security as well as public safety, and demanded their help in reducing the unhappy host from their outlet.

She also reached the councils about the threatening messages.  Ultimately, Airbnb reached out to Moore and asked f’orgiveness for her a’cquaintance, c’onvincing her that they would emit a “correct team” to give her relief.

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