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Girl Asks Dad and Stepdad to Walk Her down the Aisle to Reconcile Them after Years of Enmity

When a girl was about to get married, she had to choose someone to walk her down the aisle. It was tough to choose between her father and stepfather because both men loved her equally and despised each other. Suddenly, she got a great idea. I think I should ask them to do it together, she thought.

Melissa’s parents had separated a decade ago, and her mother had eventually remarried. However, their separation didn’t affect Melissa’s relationship with her parents.

Her stepfather, Jake, couldn’t stand being in the same room with her father, Henry. The two men despised each other, and Melissa was annoyed with their behavior. She always wanted them to be friends, but their enmity didn’t allow them to be on good terms.

A few weeks before her wedding, Melissa had to decide who would walk her down the aisle. “Mom, if I ask Dad to walk me down the aisle, then Henry wouldn’t like it,” Melissa told her mother.

“What should I do? I don’t want to hurt any of them,” Melissa said.

“You’re right, sweetheart. Why don’t you ask your brother to do it instead?” her mother replied. “You can even walk alone. I think you would absolutely rock it!”

“No, mom. I don’t want to walk alone,” Melissa said.

Just then, Melissa got an idea. “Mom! I think I know what to do!” she exclaimed. “I think I should ask both of them to walk me down the aisle. What do you think?”

“Oh, no! Don’t even think of doing that, sweetheart,” her mom said. “You’ll ruin your big day because Henry and Jake will never agree to walk down the aisle together.”

“No, Mom,” Melissa said. “I think this is a great opportunity to reconcile them.”

The next day, Melissa talked to Jake and Henry separately and asked them if they would like to walk her down the aisle. To her surprise, both of them agreed. However, deep down, they didn’t like the idea. They had only agreed to make Melissa feel happy.

Suddenly, Melissa heard her father and stepfather loudly arguing over something.
A day later, Jake called Henry and asked to meet him at a restaurant. He wanted to discuss Melissa’s idea of them walking down the aisle together.

For once, the men sat together for Melissa’s sake and agreed to walk her down the aisle. During their meeting, the men decided they should watch a football match together to see if they could tolerate each other’s presence. They didn’t want to ruin Melissa’s big day by arguing or fighting.

A week before Melissa’s wedding, Jake and Henry went to watch a football match, but Melissa didn’t know about it. They spent hours together and then met again at Melissa’s wedding.

Although Melissa knew Jake and Henry had agreed to walk her down the aisle together, she feared they might not get along. Sitting inside the preparation room, Melissa asked her mother, “Mom, where is Dad?”

“I don’t know, sweetheart. He must be outside with Jake.”


“Melissa, I think you still have time to change your decision.”

Suddenly, Melissa heard her father and stepfather loudly arguing over something. Minutes later, they entered the preparation room, and Melissa was shocked to see them laughing together.

“Are you ready, Melissa?” Jake asked. “Henry and I are ready to take you outside.”

“But I thought you both―” Melissa said, but her father interrupted and told her about the football match.

“We realized we have so many things in common, including you,” Henry said. “So there was no point fighting and arguing over everything.”

“Yes, that’s right,” Jake added. “We wasted so many years because of our pointless enmity.”

Soon, Melissa walked down the aisle with her father on one side and her stepfather on the other. She felt like the luckiest girl in the world and couldn’t stop smiling during the entire event because two of the closest people in her life had finally become friends.

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