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He was selling Candy to feed his kids until A Ferrari stopped to Buy…

He was selling candy to feed his kids until a Ferrari stopped to buy. You won’t believe this owner’s reaction. It’ll break your heart. This beautiful story that I bring you today in this, your viral Story channel a story to tell you. Manuel sold popsicles of all flavors. The speed and charisma that characterized this man to sell was impressive.

He was a man with an exquisite vocabulary and an admirable being. People were amazed that the ice cream man was like that because the way he spoke and expressed himself was the same as that of a man who was a born leader. But then, seeing his appearance, clothes and profession, most decided to treat him inferiorly and even at times, discriminatory. Meanwhile, got into his ice cream cart every day and drove at a very good speed to be able to catch up with all the children in the parks.

Now, I’ve already told you a little about Manuel’s life, but now let me tell you about Juan’s life. The child was born into a wealthy family. His father owned a chain of hotels and was an engineer by profession. He was known for having done the most acclaimed works in the entire city.

He was a man with exquisite architectural vision. He had higher education and academic experience gained in Europe. This man cared for Juan and his greatest treasure since he was his only son. As his wife who stopped working. When Juan was born, this couple had come up from below. That’s why they always preserved the humility that so characterized them socially. This is how Juan was also formed, who grew in knowledge but also in kindness.

Due to the dangers of a city like Lima, which was the place where they lived, they decided as parents not to expose their son too much to certain risks typical of such a place. In the interviews with the companies, they never mentioned their little son because they took great care of him. When Juan turned 17, he decided to study architecture and continue with the family business.

So his parents decided to send him to Europe so that he could acquire more and better experience in the professional field in which he wanted to develop. Wan worked very hard and his grades were among the highest. The best thing about this was that Juan, being there, was able to get away from the third World for a while and live a much safer life, lacking so many risks that can be found in a country with less cultural development.

That’s how time went by. And after a few years, when Wan was about to finish his degree, he received a call from his father in which he told him how proud he was of him. My son, my dear and greatest treasure, I want you to always be a good man, good and honest, so that you can go far. I’ve worked very hard so that you and your mother never lack absolutely anything.

Now, it’s a little easier for you, but I challenge you to sell everything you’re going to do one day and live in Europe, that you can start from scratch and have a family there, Juan answered, very puzzled. Father, why are you telling me this? If you know that your company is the legacy that I have to manage now, you and mom should rest and I’ll take care of everything. That’s why I’m getting ready. His father only managed to tell him, I love you, my son, more than anything in the world. I know you can do it. At that moment, he hung up the call. Three days later, Juan’s graduation day arrived. His parents traveled more than 15 hours to be present, and that day his mother was very beautiful.

But strangely, Juan’s father never showed up. Juan asked his mother why his father had not arrived with her, and his mother told him that he was late because he had forgotten something important at the hotel where they were staying. He then had to turn around and go back, but he told her to go ahead. Hours passed and he did not come. Juan’s mother was so worried that she called the police and they started searching for her beloved husband. Day and night.

They spent weeks looking for him, and Juan to this day has not stopped looking for his father, but in turn, at that young age, for the welfare of his mother, who was the only family he had left, and for the sake of the family business, he had to go to work like a man. Years later, Juan met a beautiful girl whom he married. The two had beautiful children, a boy and a girl, and Juan saw his mother as sad and depressed, and he said he’d never from that moment they realized they might never see his father again. It broke his heart to see how he could never find his beloved dad.

They had the best detectives, police officers, and even the support of the armed forces. They’d never found his whereabouts. But despite this, Juan never gave up the search. Juan remembered the last thing his father said to him, which was about going to live in Europe. And now that Juan had children, he understood because the dangers of a city as chaotic as Lima made life more insecure, especially when you’re very wealthy.

Well, this draws a lot of attention. Juan that morning was thinking about this and made a very important decision respect and accept the last wishes of his father. He left the company to very important and trusted people and took care of all the paperwork. He packed his things, his family’s things, and his mother’s and bought a house in Siodad de Vigo, Spain. The day he thought about leaving, he asked his mum if she wanted to take one last tour of the city before leaving, since it was the place where they’d been born, raised and lived. His mother then accompanied him, but with the condition of going with his father’s sports car, since he always took her for a ride to see the city.

In that car, Juan got his father’s car ready before traveling and took his mother as codriver, but this time he exceeded himself and went much further than expected, since he almost reached the outskirts of the city. At the time, traffic was terrible, so getting around by car was awful, even for a luxury sports car.

Then Juan remembered that his father once told him that he shouldn’t go to those places for his own safety, and he complained to himself for not having listened to his father and having gone there. Suddenly Mr. Manuel saw that a very luxurious car passed him. For some strange reason, he felt a little scared. The children went out to call him to buy popsicles, but he quickened his pace.

He drove much faster than normal, and at that moment, wanting to move forward without realizing it, he hit Juan’s father’s sports car very hard to such an extent he even took a little paint off of it. They all piled up to see the scene, some lamented for the poor ice cream man because they said that he might end up in jail, since paying for the repairs of such a car would be very expensive.

Mr. Manuel tried to run away, but the people caught him as if he were a vile thief. Juan got out of the car when he noticed that the ice cream man was fleeing and exclaimed, My father’s car. Suddenly his mother got out of the car and told him that it was better that he leaves the ice cream man alone. People turned Manuel around, and when Juan and his mother saw him, they began to cry desperately. They ran to him and threw themselves on him, giving him a big hug and showering him with kisses. The people witnessing the scene could not believe their eyes. For them, all this was illogical until. They heard Juan say, dad, we’ve been.

Looking for you everywhere, day and night, for years. What are you doing here? Why have you forgotten about us? Mr. Manuel cried while he hugged his son already made a man. He looked at his son with great admiration and also with great love for his sweet wife, so he told them the truth. Bad people began to call him, asking about his son, and began to extort him, asking for a lot of money in exchange for leaving him alone. That’s why he couldn’t attend his son’s graduation. For this reason, he had to get.

Away so that nothing would happen to. Juan and his mother. Mr. Manuel was proud of all that. Juan had achieved, and that’s how they. All travel to Spain together, to live in a safer place, managing all their business from there. Still residing in Lima, Peru. Already in Spain, they placed an ice. Cream popsicle business, which they turned into. A franchise and that’s how we’ve come. To the end of this beautiful story.

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