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Everyone laughed when Rich man married a Fat ugly girl, but two months later, they regretted it!

A fat woman who was always looking. For a way to look good married an old man so that he would pay for all the operations that her body’s he needed. And thus she could fulfill her long fore dream without knowing that in the end he would teach her a lesson. Sonia was a woman who suffered from a disease of being overweight. From a very young age, she tried.

In a thousand ways to try to lose all the kilos that she had. On top of her. No matter how many diets she went. On, she was never able to achieve her goal. Tired of all the effort and ambition she had to one day be a slender woman. She decided to have surgery. She went to the best plastic surgeon so she could assess her situation. She left the clinic very happy with.

Everything, with everything she’d achieved thanks to the doctor’s guidance. But they suddenly shocked her since the operation had a cost and a very exuberant sum was what it meant. However, thanks to her ambition and intelligence. She decided to take the easy way out. She began to seduce any man who. Crossed her path so that he could pay for her operations. Days and nights she was like this, looking for the magnificent wealthy man who could pay for her operations, someone who.

Could help achieve her goal. Suddenly, one night she would change her life completely. Sonia goes to a meeting that her. Best childhood friend named Rosario had invited her to. And days before she had been telling her that only people with a lot of money were going to attend her birthday. Sonya, very excited and at the same time sure of herself, put on her best dress to attract attention and high heels that will greatly enhance her figure.

She felt very capable of being able to make any man fall in love. Minutes later, among so many people that she’d been watching, she caught sight of a man much older than her, approximately 75 years old. The man was very well dressed in a very elegant suit. He was not very handsome for his age, but that was not important to the girl since she only wanted to have a lot of money for operations. So she planned the meeting with a very seductive look. She approached the man and on purpose, pretending that she didn’t notice him, she bumped into him and inadvertently she stunned.

Her dress with his drink. The man reacted, apologized for what had happened, and introduced himself as Mario Ville. Very politely, she offered to bring him a new drink and she accepted without hesitation, pretending to be very embarrassed, and she introduced herself to Sonya. They immediately struck up a conversation. She asked what he did for a living. Mario replied that he had a very.

Large farm and that he had already lived there. Suddenly Sonya’s eyes sparkled with joy. She was always firm in between so much conversation and laughter. They exchanged numbers. Mario had suggested getting to know her better. She very happily accepted. The next day, Mario called her cell phone, inviting her to lunch at his farm. She laughed sarcastically, accepting, saying, thanks for the invitation, Mario, I’ll be there. As agreed, Mario offered to send her a driver to pick her up and Sonya dazzled accepted without hesitation for a second. Hours later, she was headed to Mario’s farm and stared at how big it.

Was as she walked into it. She no doubt and her thoughts said, I hit the jackpot with this old man. She entered. Mario received her very happy. He definitely seemed very excited about her. At the end of lunch, Mario told. Sonia that he felt very happy with her company and that perhaps that brief meeting they had was the beginning of something very nice. She hugged him and gave him a kiss on the forehead and so he. Said goodbye to her. The days passed.

Mario and Sony had frequented more. The departures were more constant. The gifts that he offered her were very expensive and she had the life that she wanted so much to finally have until suddenly the day came when Mario invited her to dinner and declared. His love for her. He met her at the best restaurant. In town and asked her to be his eternal wife.

Sonya didn’t want him, but she always pretended to love him and because of her need to have surgery and look better, she accepted it. They planned the wedding date and got married. Mario was the happiest man in the world, but she wasn’t as much as she tried to hide it. Her discomfort was a little noticeable, so. The days passed and living together became more overwhelming for Sonya. She, being very young and having a.

Very free life, did not tolerate Mario’s. Presence very much until a moment. She even felt that she was disgusted. By having to sleep and wake up with him every day. The moment came when Sonya couldn’t take it anymore and she decided to tell Mario what her biggest goal was. The next day in the morning, Sonya woke up crying. It was where Mario, very overwhelmed, asked her what was happening. Sonya, very intelligent between tears, told Mario.

That she did not feel good with the body she had and that since. She was very little, she suffered from mistreatment. Her classmates from school and from University always gave her derogatory nicknames. She spent her whole life very badly because of her illness.

As much as she dieted, she was unable to achieve her final goal of. Any of them, and she was unable to lose weight. Mario very sorry for everything Sonia told him, hugged her and told her that. He loved her and that he would. Always be with her, supporting her at all times. All he wanted was to see her happy. The next day, Mario told Sonia that.

He would take her to the best. Plastic surgeon in the city so that they could evaluate her and decide on the procedure for the operations that his wife needed. Very happy, Sonya thanked Mario for everything he did for her. Mario reached an agreement with the plastic. Surgeon and they set a start date for the operation. Mario and Sonya left the clinic, and. When they arrived at the farm, Sonya went to a room very happy to make a call.

She picked up the phone and immediately. Contacted her childhood best friend, Rosario, and. Told her what had happened. Rosario answered the cellphone and was surprised by her call. Since ungrateful, Sonya hadn’t communicated for a long time. Sony began to tell her that she married Mario, the man she met on. Her birthday, and that this old man was going to perform several operations for her. She commented, saying, finally, this old man.

Will do what I wanted so much. Once I have the operation, I’ll separate from him. I’m still married, so I’ll keep half. Of his money and I’ll be able. To really have what I deserve. I can’t stand a single another day to see him. It makes me uncomfortable to have him around. Unfortunately, I have to put up with. Everything for my operations and in a burlesque way after this, she laughed very hard. Rosario replied, Friend, I’m happy for you.

And I’m proud of what you do. And the next day Mario contacted his lawyer, Joseph, a trusted person for many. Years, and summoned him to his farm. He went to his office in Mario and told her what had happened through tears, telling her that at the time. Sonya called Rosario on the phone, he was just passing through the room and suddenly he could hear everything the two of them were talking about. Very sad and crestfallen. He told Joseph, the lawyer, and the.

Latter hugged him and asked him to calm down. He told him that he appreciated him. Very much and had always seen him as a father to him. Likewise, he told him that he knew what was coming was something obvious. He was very clear about Sonya’s intentions. He told him that some time ago he met her at a party and started courting her. She was always a woman who longed.

To have an expensive life full of luxuries and above all, that she always wanted to look good and she had a trauma due to her being overweight. That is why he confessed to Mario. That the marriage documents were totally false. So he would have no problem separating. From her since currently there was no bond that kept them together. Mario, very sad, told him, we must teach her a lesson for everything she’s done, and they both hugged. Mario thanked Joshua infinitely, but sentimentally.

He was devastated. They planned to teach her a lesson. The next day, Mario gathered all his. Workers and told them that he would throw a party at his house. He asked that they send to prepare the best arrangements. The best snack buffet and the best drinks in the city. He also asked that invitations would be sent to everyone in the city saying that he would give his beloved wife the best surprise in the world. Sonya, hearing that, felt very flattered by inviting all her friends from school and University To see how her life had changed in such a short time.

The day of the long awaited party. Arrived current wife was so dazzling for the occasion. Without imagining what the end of it would be, Mario put on his best suit and good shoes. According to the occasion. At the time of the toast, Mario. Thanked all the guests for having attended his party. Since he had a very important thing.

To say to his beloved wife. Sonya, radiant as always, asked him, what. Is that important that you have to tell me? Mario laughed told her, I want to tell you that I only want one thing from you. A divorce. After this, he took out the false documentation of the alleged marriage from inside his bag. Telling her, all this time I’ve been deceived by you, Sonya. You’ve disappointed me as a person. You are uninterested woman who has only.

Cared about my money and ambition. I had because I operated it with my money. Now I tell you to get out of my farm and out of my life. Hearing that, Sonya felt very embarrassed and the only thing she decided was to make a slow withdrawal from the place. Everyone was very surprised and Mario loudly told him to continue the party and everyone celebrate because that day he had.

Gotten rid of a fake woman who really didn’t love him. Sometimes we believe that living in a world of luxury and a lot of. Greed is good without love. Knowing that we harm other people and at the end of it all, we. Harm ourselves as well.

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