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“This is what you should remember”: The last message of 12-year-old Alexander before he “departs” breaks hearts

“Remember, the sun will rise again!” said the fighter before “leaving” life. The proud mother Matina of 12-year-old Alexandros confesses

He beat the disease and was well for 5 years

The mother’s confession of 12-year-old Alexander. My Alexander got sick for the first time at the tender age of 6. A toddler was forced to leave his dinosaurs and enter the hospital. Surgeries, chemotherapy, a tube sticking out of a hole in his small chest, Mr. Hickman.

He beat the disease and was well for 5 years. Until at the age of 12 my son experienced a relapse of the disease. His world was shattered! He was getting ready to go to high school! How did I feel when I lost him? I lost my light! My sun! My hope! Everything!

Matina Kyriakou, mother of 12-year-old Alexandros, is a mother who lost her child to cancer, a rare person, who through her pain, gained strength to continue her son’s work, to spread optimism, to give strength to parents and children of oncology clinics.

She separated from her son at the age of 13 and while she was suffering from cancer. she got strength to continue the work of her beloved 12-year-old son Alexander. This is how he started the Facebook group of proud parents and friends of children with incredible strength “The sun will rise again. Alexander’.

Today this group has approximately 18.000 members with the aim that no parent feels alone and no child loses hope, as she says. I will tell you only one thing! HE HAS DONE IT!!!!

“In the beginning we were 20 moms, then 100 parents, then friends joined and now there are 17.000 people”

Proud mom Matina .Do you want to tell us how the child’s adventure began?

– My Alexander got sick for the first time at the tender age of 6. A toddler was forced to leave his dinosaurs and enter the hospital. Surgeries, chemotherapy, a tube coming out of a hole in his small chest, Mr. Hickman. He never lost his vitality, his appetite for play. Countless hours we played in the room for months on end!

-Were you alone in these rooms?

– No, we weren’t. And Alexandros always entered with the most “closed” children. The kids who didn’t open up, who were more angry, with their right. And you know why? Because he succeeded with his kind character and his intention to ALWAYS help, to make them his friends.

– Kind soul and big heart. So she won the battle at this stage.

– Yes, he won it and for 5 years he was fine.


-Until at the age of 12, my son experienced a relapse of the disease. His world was shattered! He was getting ready to go to high school! He got really angry but only for ten minutes!

-What do you mean;!

-As soon as the ten minutes passed, he called me and said: “Okay mom, I beat it once, I can do it again!” And he really fought it! He went through very difficult situations. He failed and managed with his perseverance and patience to walk again 6 months later, and again he became paralyzed a little later……

-How did he make the decision to manufacture his badges?

-While we were abroad for his treatment, and following dad’s prompting, he decided to make a medal for himself and all the children who fight. When asked what he would paint on it, he looked at me lovingly and said: “A horse!” .He knew it was my favorite animal! Then they asked him: “What will be your message?”, and he answered:


Tears of emotion filled everyone’s eyes! He was going through so much and wanted to share strength and hope! How proud I feel of him……..!!!!

– Dare I ask?

-How did I feel when I lost him?

I lost my light!

My sun!

My hope! Everything!

But he never gave up! Even in intensive care and with two punctured lungs, he was fighting!

The legacy of 12-year-old Alexander


Alexander’s badge is not a simple pin! It is a medal of honor and bravery for all the Children-Heroes in the hospitals.

– Is there anything you would like to say to parents whose children are sick?

-These parents who make their children sick…..!They are not ordinary people.

quot ayto na thymasai quot ragizei kardies to teleytaio minyma toy 12chronoy alexandroy prin quot fygei quot apo ti zoi 1 viral, Cancer, Children

-So what?

-In a magical way, they just aren’t! They sleep with one eye open or none at all for days, and they don’t get sleepy!

They eat one meal a day and can stand on their own two feet!

They lift their child as if they are weightlifters, no matter how many kilos they are!

They know and recognize drugs, learn medical protocols by heart and read tests, as if they were doctors!

-What is the purpose of the group?

-The group of proud parents and friends of children with incredible strength, ALEXANDER WILL RISE THE SUN, focuses on giving children strength and hope. To make them understand how special they are, by giving them the Alexander medal of honor and bravery, together with a gift of the heart.

-How do the children who receive the gifts react?

-They accept them with incredible joy and enthusiasm, and proudly wear his badge.

In this fight that our children enter without being asked, with this difficult, unfair and relentless opponent, they can succeed. Yes they can! Having us on their side!

-Tell us something about the ending.

-I will tell you this: My son did NOT get rid of cancer! HE BEAT IT IN HIS SIX, HE BEAT IT IN TWELVE!!! He relapsed and beat it every time! EVERY TIME!!!! He got rid of pneumonia. The cancer it is not an incurable disease!!! Remember Alexander’s message!


I didn’t want to write anything more but I can’t! I’m honestly confused! Because I’m not sure what emotion came over me when I looked into her eyes! It was respect, dignity, courage, strength! It was all together!!! But I’m signing it to you two things I will never forget in my life! The pride in her eyes and his tickling laugh!!


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