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This Girl Gave up Her Seat to an Old Man. A Minute Later, She Did Something Nobody Expected

This lovely Japanese girl got up and gave the seat to an old man without thinking about what would happen next. The subway was very crowded and I couldn’t bear to see the man standing all that time. When he realizes who he really is, the unfair thinkable happens and the event goes completely viral on social media and Japanese television. Without a doubt, it’s a history that you should know. It was a normal day in the Japanese capital.

Everyone went to work or school to get there on time and the subway was packed with people. Fortunately, Hina, aged 19, had left home on time. She needed to travel far to get to school, so sitting on the subway wasn’t a luxury. When she got on the subway, she quickly looked around. Almost all the seats were taken except for one.

She quickly approached the empty seat and sat down next to an executive woman. She dropped her heavy bag to the ground and breathed a sigh of relief. She had arrived on time a minute later and she wouldn’t have gotten the seat and she would have had to stay on her feet the whole trip. Now she had time to relax before her busy life as a fine arts student began. At least that was what she thought at the time.

Although she didn’t expect this to happen. She’d been sitting for barely 15 minutes until she stopped at the busiest station where a lot of people got on. Until then, everything was normal. At the end of the long line was an old man with a cane who pushed his way into the carriage just before the doors closed. With cheery eyes, he looked into the subway.

He had difficulty walking and was looking for a place to sit as he walked past the seats. He was limping, but everyone pretended not to see him except for Hina. She was so comfortable in her seat that it was difficult for her to give it to someone in need. But she knew that this old man needed it much more than she did. With a heavy sigh, she stood up and gestured to the old man.

You can sit here, sir, she said with a pleasant smile on her face. She no doubt knew that the old man would benefit from being seated. The man was so surprised at this gesture that he looked at Heena in shock. At that instant, something strange happened. Tina looked at the man, surprised.

For some reason, her face seemed familiar to him, but she didn’t know from where could it be that this person reminded her of her grandfather? No, it definitely wasn’t. That when he thanked her for her kindness, she stopped thinking about it. Suddenly it was just a coincidence. The old man sat down and throughout the trip he watched her.

Then he started to write something on a piece of paper that he had in his pocket. When the subway reached the last stop and everyone got off. Tina helped the old man get off. With a huge and very sincere smile. She wished him a happy day.

As Hina was about to exit the subway, she realized that she’d forgotten something. Her backpack was still on the chair. As soon as she could, she went back into the subway. If she lost her bag, her parents and her teachers would punish her and rightly so. She quickly returned to her seat.

But then something else caught her attention. On the seat that she had given to the man, there was a letter. Confused, she took it. She thought that the old man had forgotten it and looked around to see if she could still see him. However, the old man had already left and young Hena was running late for College.

She took her backpack from under the seat. She put the letter in her front pocket and told herself that when she had time she’d go in search of the man so that she could return the letter that he had forgotten. The letter was from the old man and she wanted to return it to him as she thought this was the right thing to do. However, the day was just beginning when something very special happened that would change everything. Tina was busy carrying her heavy backpack and art supplies when she saw a group of friends running towards her.

As usual, she came over to say Hello, China John, you’re on TV, they said excitedly. Quickly, one of the girls took out her cell phone and showed it to Gina. Not really knowing what was going on, Hina watched the video. It was from the subway security cameras. Suddenly the old man appeared on the video.

He was being interviewed by a female anchor from a major news network. Why were they interviewing this man? The answer remained to be seen. Why did you never tell us that you knew a famous film director? One of the girls said.

That was when it all made sense. Eyes wide, he and stared at the other girls. No, I have no idea. I thought he was just an ordinary man. Nothing was further from reality.

The old man had left a letter for her on the chair. Tina’s friends begged her to read the letter with them, but Tina refused. She waited all day until she got home to open the envelope. As soon as she got home, she ran into her room. Very carefully, she opened the envelope, took out the letter and began to read.

In her letter, the old man told her how grateful he was to her. He called her a role model for youth, but that wasn’t all. The biggest surprise was yet to come inside the envelope. In addition to the letter was a check for ¥6,500,000. It’s almost €50,000.

Hina was in shock and she didn’t even know what to do. With so much money that she had received, she had no way of contacting the director. To return his check, so she tried to find another solution. It was then that she decided to do something very special. With the money she received, she started a project to place special seats for older adults in all subways in the city.

In this way, they’d always have a place to sit, even if no one offered it to them when there was no one available. Without a doubt, a huge gesture that will help many people. Although this is a happy story, there are times when things don’t go well at all. This is my personal space, the young woman yelled. No, it’s not, said another passenger.

If you take her out, we’ll have one more seat, another passenger yelled from the rear. Large numbers of people crowd the trains just to get to and from work. On the train, as on the roads, there are some unspoken laws. Being a passenger on a crowded train, especially during rush hour, can be incredibly uncomfortable. It’s a common courtesy that a person occupies only one seat, leaving the others available for the rest of the passengers.

Jessica approached the young woman and asked for her seat. She had no idea what was about to happen to her. I can sit here, Jessica asked the woman respectfully pointing to her free seat. With the headphones in her ears and her gaze fixed on her cellphone, the woman completely ignored Jessica. By this time, the train had stopped again and security had entered the car.

Jessica became aware of the tension on the train as she passed her. She looked at the expression of irritation on the young woman’s lips. Don’t touch my stuff, she yelled again as she took off her headphones and peeked out from under her head. The officer growls, Ma’am, get her on or I’ll get you off the train right now. The man squeezing into the next seat can’t take it anymore.

He cuts her off, saying, It’s already a late train. You’re holding everyone up, ma’am. Take off your bag or I’ll get you off the train right now, he told her. The public’s frustration was now undeniable as nearby passengers responded with an uproar. If you take her out, we’ll have one more seat, another traveler yelled from the back.

I let her off the train. Do you like your personal space? You’ll have it out, she said as passengers clapped in unison. She shook her head and rolled her eyes as she got up from her seat and grabbed her luggage. Video was shared online by a fellow passenger, and her audience was almost as irritated with the young woman as her audience.

I’m glad someone filmed it. Her bad behavior will haunt her for a long time as a result of this movie. It’s not hard to be nice, one YouTube user wrote. Girl, buy yourself a car or a helicopter where you can choose who gets in or out. Lol, another user suggested.

However, another person raised an excellent question. You’re not disabled, you say a lot of people have invisible disorders. What a disgusting woman. In response to the now viral video, A new Jersey transit spokeswoman said, we urge customers to make any seat accessible by placing bags on lap or overhead racks and following directions from train staff. In addition, the woman who posted the video told them that the passengers were not angry with new Jersey transit, but with the woman who had postponed everybody’s trip.

Jessica was invited to take her seat by another passenger next to her. After the young woman had left and the agent had given the train the go ahead to resume its journey, Jessica couldn’t help but be touched by this generous stranger’s reaction to what had just happened. It was as if she had immediately renewed her trust in humanity. Fortunately, Jessica hasn’t seen such greedy actions on the train since that day. But she sometimes wanders the crowded train after work Hoping to find a free seat.

It’s the cost of living in a big city like new York. Wherever we look, There are examples of positive and bad acts. That’s what makes us human right see something bad and do things right. As a commuter, riding the subway can be a bit unsettling. It’s also hard to find a seat.

And even if you do, you’re only allowed to occupy one seat at a time. This young man, on the other hand, believed he was entitled to more than three seats on the subway and refused to let anyone else get on. This person, on the other hand, had none of that. Not all of us have the luxury of having our own car to get to and from work each day. That’s why public transport is fantastic, Because it makes life easier for those of us who don’t have a car.

However, this implies that those who do not feel compelled to show respect to others Will be forced to confront us. For some strange reason, public transportation can bring out the worst in people. And by worst, we mean the absolute worst characteristics of people. Trains and buses have become a world of chaos, and this video shows that many of the passengers around on them Mark true, cruel and have no regard for others. Have you come across people like this on your daily commute.

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