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23-Year-Old ‘Mom’ Of 34 Kids Shares Her Morning Routine That Starts At 4 AM

This 23-year-old Malawian woman, Tusaiwe Munkhondiya, is not just a mother, but a superhero.

After a lonely and difficult childhood, she’s now created exactly the space she knew she always needed — providing a home, food, and love for vulnerable children in Malawi.

The YANA Home and Foundation, her organization founded in 2020, has become a powerhouse of beauty that not only houses her 30+ children but also advocates for more than 500+ foster children.

Whether it’s 4 AM wake-ups to prepare food, expanding her business to provide for more children, or advocating for a more honest mental health discussion — this superhero does it all.

In her now-viral TikTok, she shares exactly the work she puts into maintaining and growing her huge family.

This mom’s video of her 4 AM morning routine sparks interest in her busy and incredible life.

Shocked by the title and time, many viewers were already suspicious when they watched Tusaiwe’s morning routine video — one, unlike many others.

Unlike many other ‘influencers’ who engage with this content, this video received no hate. Drawn in by the determination and courage radiating through the screen, viewers quickly realize how incredible this routine really is.

With a new house to house her children through the YANA Foundation, this mom’s preparation for the day likely comes with much more responsibility than a typical mom.

With bowls of food and tons of plates, she records how she meal preps for all of her children — filling each section with homemade food and moving to the next.

In the comments, she appreciates the love from viewers — many thank her for the work she does and commemorates her for her grace in doing so.

Honest in the comments, she explains how her family expands every single day, saying, “The police and chief bring abandoned and homeless children every week. That’s why the number keeps increasing each month and week!”

Tusaiwe has opened her home to over 30 new children through her life-changing organization.

In an exclusive with The Africa Brief, Yusaiwe opens up about her motivations for her foundation and what she strives for every day with her kids.

Far beyond just an incredible morning routine, her work never dulls throughout the day.

After being abandoned as a teen mother, she fought daily to advocate for herself, her circumstances, and her son.

After finding out that her son was autistic, she quickly realized the shortcomings of resources and safe education opportunities available for vulnerable children.

“I’m glad that every time I see my son, I’m inspired to do better because I’m doing it for him,” she says, “This is for the benefit of my community. If I give up now, it will be difficult for others to stand up and create something similar.”

After realizing there was no safe space for her younger self, and again for her son — so she’s devoted her life to creating one, as just a 23-year-old woman.

Not only are her motivations extremely personal to her, but her foundation also directly combats alarmingly high child poverty rates in Malawi — her home country.

Abandoned and alone as a child, Tusaiwe has grown with an ambition to provide for vulnerable children.

“I became pregnant at the age of sixteen. People at home began to look down on me, and I lose many friends. I even dropped out of school at the time,” she says, “That was the first time I realized how difficult it is to be a single mother.”

She uses TikTok to tell her story, both for her and her children, describing the many struggles vulnerable children in Malawi face. As she did as a young girl, she advocates for other children who’ve faced sexual abuse, abandonment, and homelessness.

In a recent house tour TikTok, she shares with viewers where she’s able to build a safe and secure place for all of the children.


We grateful for everything you do for us we appreciate it

♬ love nwantinti (ah ah ah) – CKay

“It is critical to remind these children, as well as anyone suffering from any type of mental illness, that they are not alone and that with the right support, they will heal.”

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