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Man Puts His Enormous Hands And Forearms To Good Use As A Pro Arm Wrestler

Superheroes have captured our attention for centuries now. From mythological figures like Hercules to comic book icons like Superman, they inspire us all with a sense of childlike wonder.

Of course, superheroes don’t exist in real life – but you’d never know that after seeing Minnesota native Jeff Dabe and his incredible arms. As far as we know, he doesn’t wear spandex or fight crime, but he was born with an incredible gift that even the X-Men would envy!…

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In 1963, a healthy baby named Jeff Dabe was born in Stacy, Minnesota. There was just one problem, though – doctors weren’t certain why he had such unusually large arms, even though there was nothing medically wrong with him.

This photograph was taken when Jeff was just 10 years old, but already he had massive, powerful arms. It’s no surprise that he earned the nickname “Popeye,” in reference to the muscular cartoon sailor, for his unusual physical feature.

By the time that Jeff was fully grown, his arms were a whopping 19 inches in circumference. Due to his natural gift, he started to become successful competing in arm wrestling championships during the late 1970’s when he was still a teenager.

Unfortunately, though, this initial success was met by a terrible accident in 1986. Jeff was two or three minutes into a heated arm wrestling match while competing in a big tournament when his right arm suddenly popped…

He didn’t even book an appointment with a doctor – Jeff knew right then and there that it was time to give up arm wrestling, at least temporarily anyway. He didn’t start competing again until 2012, but this time, he started using his left arm instead…

Jeff doesn’t use any particular technique to become a champion arm wrestler, nor does he practice any special workouts outside of regular farm chores. All he needs is the natural strength of the massive arms that he was born with, as well as plenty of determination!

Here’s Jeff comparing his hands to those of another Minnesota-based arm wrestling champion, Josh Handeland. It’s pretty clear that even among arm wrestlers, Jeff is in a class all on his own!

Even though he’s fiercely competing well into his 50’s, Jeff can always count on the love and support of his wife, Gina, to encourage him in all of his endeavors.

For a number of years, pictures of Jeff and his incredible arms have gone viral on the internet, and so have theories about how such a thing might be physically possible. Still, the condition that could have caused Jeff to grow such enormous arms remains a mystery to this day. No matter what, Jeff is truly an incredible person who really knows how to take advantage of the gifts that he was born with. Hopefully this modern-day superhero stays safe as he continues to compete!

Just in case you needed more proof of how powerful Jeff’s arms are, just wait until you see how quickly he’s able to dominate his opponent in this arm wrestling match. He really makes it look easy!

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