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The gender pay gap in 2023 surprised KNAUER, a manufacturer of laboratory equipment

The management of the company KNAUER had anticipated a value of less than two percent in this year’s calculation of the gender pay gap, in line with the development of recent years. Women in Germany still make an average of 18% less than men for the same work, according to the German Federal Statistical Office.

This year, KNAUER experienced a minor sensation because, according to the most recent data from the company’s equal opportunity officer, the traditional wage gap has not only vanished but the company’s female employees are now paid on average 1.36% more than their male coworkers.

“This is the smallest unadjusted gender pay gap we have ever had in the company. When we calculated it last year, our women still earned 2.2% less than the men.

It is clear that this figure will always fluctuate, as it also depends on the gender distribution among skilled workers and management positions. Our guideline is the zero mark, and we are closer to it than ever,” says Managing Director Alexandra Knauer.

The Berlin-based laboratory equipment manufacturer KNAUER, whose high-tech instruments are used worldwide, has been committed to gender equality for years and has taken comprehensive measures to reduce the gender pay gap. These include transparent salary structures, programs for the advancement of women, and compliance with legal requirements on wage inequality.

The proportion of women in management positions in the family business is 50 percent. This is a high value for a technology company like KNAUER. A wage imbalance often arises in companies because women predominantly perform less well-paid jobs or part-time tasks – men, on the other hand, more often hold the well-paid management positions.

The Equal Opportunity Officer at KNAUER, Katharina Pohl, emphasizes: “We are proud that we have one of the smallest gender pay gaps in Germany. At the same time, we know that there is always room for improvement. We will continue to work to ensure fair pay and equal opportunities for women and men and also people of different backgrounds