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The benefits of thinking positively are reappearing

It’s time to begin considering seriously the part that mindsets play in health.

No matter how active they actually are, those who believe they are less healthy are more likely to pass away before their time, according to new research.

The Stanford University study, which was published in the journal Health Psychology, demonstrates the influence of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs on health.

A young generation is reviving a variety of belief systems in the interest of wellness, including astrology, tarot, paganism, and its metaphysical cousins. Manifesting is one of these belief systems. According to Lucie Greene, a writer and trend forecaster based in New York, “For Gen Z in especially, it can be a method of self-soothing.” In a situation where nothing makes sense, it provides a method to make sense of the situation.

Greene continues, “It is particularly relevant to those tribes of adolescents and young adults whose hopes have been squashed or disrupted by a pandemic-imposed social and economic gloom.” She claims that in such a turbulent environment, “it’s soothing to feel like you have some influence over your destiny.”

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