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Information on silent stroke

Surprisingly, you are unaware that you have suffered a stroke. Even so, is it possible? Yeah, a quiet stroke is one in which you are not aware that you are having one. But, you either have no recollection of it or have no idea whatsoever.

Usually, when we think of stroke descriptions, we think of the signs and symptoms that cause a stroke. It involves bodily or facial paralysis, numbness, blurred vision, slurred speech, and hazy eyesight. A Quiet Stroke, on the other hand, results in absolutely no symptoms for the victim. As a result, the condition is known as asymptomatic cerebral infarction or silent stroke.

Silent strokes happen when a section of your brain abruptly stops receiving blood, much like ischemic brain strokes do. The brain’s oxygen supply is cut off, seriously harming the brain’s cells. A quiet stroke, on the other hand, is challenging to comprehend since it cuts off blood flow to the area of the brain that is not involved in any of your observable activities, such as walking, seeing, or speaking. As a result, nobody notices it.

How does Silent Stroke Diagnosis fare? The majority of the time, people learn they have had a stroke only after having a brain CT scan or MRI performed for any other medical reason. When a doctor discovers that a small area (areas) of your brain has suffered.In light of the current scenario due to COVID-19, brain stroke is seen in around 5.9% of coronavirus infected patients. And if you take a look at the neurological complications of COVID-19, you will find that strokes make about 85% of it.