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Funny Efforts by Stacey Solomon to Acquire a Newborn Passport Picture

She commented, “I am completely perspiring in this booth. That is NOT POSSIBLE. And tomorrow is her appointment for her passport. Send aid. The comment was scrawled over pictures of two-week-old Belle, who was either scrunching her little face with her tongue out or crying with her lips open in one try. Obtaining a newborn’s passport photo, which ludicrously only expires after five years in the UK, is no small job for any parent, and Solomon brought her down-to-earth demeanor to the situation. In the end, she said that her father stepped in to take a picture of Belle at her house in an effort to get a cleaner shot. I was hesitant to bring it home since I believed it might.

On February 11, Solomon made her pregnancy public. Two days later, she disclosed the baby’s name, which was inspired by flowers. Rose, Rex, and half-brothers Zachary, Leighton, and Harry are the members of Belle’s mixed family, which also includes her father Joe Swash, Rose, and Rex. The 33-year-old has posted a number of stunning images of her family on social media, but we adore how openly she continues to discuss the more trying and unglamorous aspects of parenthood. Bring them on! Check out the amazing pictures below.