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Bicycle crunches: Errors that reduce their effectiveness

Bicycle crunches are regarded as one of the most effective abs exercises since they work your lower abs, obliques, and upper abs simultaneously.

If you complete this exercise correctly, you are nearly performing a whole core movement. These exercises are excellent for improving your fitness.

However, some errors reduce their effectiveness and even have the potential to be harmful. But first, let’s examine the right way to carry out this task.

How to do crunches on a bicycle correctly
When performing proper bicycle crunches, you should lie on the ground with your elbows wide open and rest your fingertips on your temples.

You then lift your shoulder blades off the floor and tuck your chin.The most crucial step is to bend your legs into a 90-degree angle, at which point you should alternate between bringing your right elbow to your left knee and your left elbow to your right knee.

In order to get your elbow as close to the knee as possible while maintaining your shoulder blades off the ground, make sure that one knee drives in and the other leg shoots out.

which errors to prevent
First and foremost, avoid pushing on your neck while executing the exercise as this will hurt and will reduce the amount of work your abs do.

Additionally, you should watch your speed while exercising to avoid injury.