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Cable Glute Workouts & Exercises to Improve Your Butt

You are now sitting on the gluteus maximus, possibly the most essential muscle in your body. The glutes are your major hip extender and are also known as your butt.

Weak glutes can cause hip instability and even lower back pain. If your glutes are weak when bending and lifting, your lower back may have to pick up the slack and work more than required. This puts additional strain on your lumbar spine and muscles.

Glute strengthening can help protect your lower back from strain and damage.

You’ll notice two more gluteal muscles to the side of your gluteus maximus: the minimus and medius. These muscles, albeit smaller than the gluteus maximus, are no less significant.

The good news is that function and beauty do not have to be diametrically opposed goals, and with the appropriate workouts, you can grow a butt that both looks and functions well.

This post will show the greatest cable glute exercises as well as other terrific routines to attempt.