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Couple Catches Neighbor in Attic: ‘He Was Waiting for the Creep Show’

Robert Havrilla had allegedly built a removable wall to gain entry into the victims’ home.

A Pittsburgh man has been arrested after he was found crawling around a family’s attic with a power drill in hand.

Last month, Jerome Kennedy, who lives in the home with his wife, Ashley, and their baby, heard noises and saw a light shining through a pipe above his head in a bedroom.

“I knew someone was up there,” he told Inside Edition.

At the time, the house next door was being renovated by Robert Havrilla, 69, who the Kennedys describe as “very reclusive” and someone who “keeps to himself.”

After hearing the noises, Kennedy installed a surveillance camera in his attic, which later allegedly captured Havrilla lurking around. The man was carrying a power drill.

The family suspects that he was looking into their bedroom.

“We have no idea what has been going on inside our own home,” Ashley Kennedy told Inside Edition as her eyes welled up with tears.

Her husband said he later discovered the neighbor had made a removable wall to gain access to their attic.

The distraught dad also found holes in a common wall. He quickly plugged them up with tissue paper.

The couple’s attorney, Jack Goodrich, spoke to Inside Edition about his clients’ situation.

“It’s that scary to think somebody can be that intrusive in somebody’s home,” he said. “In my humble opinion, he was waiting for the creep show.”

Cops were called and Havrilla was arrested on July 17. He has been charged with stalking and trespassing. He’s pleaded not guilty.

The couple believes he should go away for a long time so they can sleep soundly at night.

Havrilla’s attorney told Inside Edition in a statement that his client had no bad intentions. He claims he was in the attic for maintenance reasons connected to his renovations — not to peep on anyone or to do anything malicious.

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