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Dad Shoves His Finger Down The Baby’s Throat To “Find His Voice Box,” But The Baby Dies As A Result

A mother and father are in jail after violently assaulting their infant son – well, the father assaulted his son while the mother stood by and did nothing to help her son.

The tiny baby, Jax, is only 6-weeks-old and is in critical condition in Missouri.

His father, Robert James Burnette, 19, reportedly shoved his fingers (violently) down his son’s throat. Why?

Because the baby was crying.

Burnette faces charges of abuse or neglect of a child that caused serious physical or emotional injury.

Sadly, this was not the first time Burnette assaulted Jax to get him to stop crying.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch stated that there were two other times the infant was attacked, on October 18th and November 7th.

Burnette reportedly said that he hoped to find the baby’s voice box when he stuck his fingers down his throat.

Jax was also shaken and thrown violently on the bed, according to Sean Rosner, Wentzville Police Detective.

Where was the baby’s mother, Megan L. Hendricks? She witnessed it all.

She witnessed at least three of the attacks but did absolutely nothing about it.

Hendricks is facing the same charges as Burnette.

The St. Louis-Post Dispatch reported that Jax did not survive. Jax had suffered several broken bones and bleeding on the brain.

Charges against Burnette have been changed, and prosecutors are going to handle the case as a homicide.

Sounds about right. The baby died because of what Burnette did – that is murder.

If convicted, Burnette could be behind bars for life.

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