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‘Don’t choose us again, has 2 children with autism’: Restaurant ‘judges’ customer who said worker was ‘tardy’

An incredible incident happened on Saturday, January 21, at a well-known restaurant in Athens. The tragic news was announced by the store itself.

It’s unthinkable what happened at a restaurant in Athens, with a customer calling an employee “retarded” because he didn’t remove the pickles from his burger. and Burgeradiko did the obvious thing, defended its employee and took the customer to the “center”,

A customer called the restaurant and described an employee as “late”

An incredible incident happened on Saturday, January 21, at a well-known restaurant in Athens. The tragic news was announced by the store itself via Insta Story.

Sometimes, one wonders where society is headed. A society, which is suffering from serious diseases, with no chance of being cured. There are many times when the behavior of certain people makes you wonder.

Why so much hate?

Why so much hate? Why would someone decide to outsource any issue they may be dealing with to a stranger? Such an event took place in a well-known shop in Athens, where, according to the story, a customer called to complain and referred to the employee with characterizations.

What does the announcement from the restaurant say?

“Dear customer who yesterday called our worker “tardy” on the phone because he forgot to remove the pickles from your burger, we would like to inform you that this man has 2 sweet children who have autism. Have a good evening and never choose our restaurant again.”

What the co-owner of the restaurant said

“We are simply not of that philosophy at all. At Tarantino we act like a family, it’s like they spoke to me. Generally we are going through a period where there is hatred everywhere and a sense of criticism, where everyone is looking to criticize the other. As if we also said that we are perfect as a store. We also happen to have a person on staff who has learned to live with two autistic children. And it was very heavy,” said Kostis Karatzias to, co-owner of the Tarantino Athens restaurant.

“We all feel the same, that we have a person with whom we empathize, because in general, before I criticize anyone, I put myself in their shoes, because the same thing could have happened to me,” he emphasizes.

“Generally we hear a thousand and two from the customers, but this is something I couldn’t stand,” he concludes.

This culture must be isolated.

The story immediately went viral, with social media users rallying in support of the store and congratulating it on both its attitude and its response to the particular customer.

The culture of the toxic person who uses disability as an insult must be isolated.

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