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Elderly man never rode in his old car One day his neighbors follow him and discover the harsh TRUTH

Life’s not always easy. In fact, it’s almost never simple or so it seems to us. What happens is that most of our suffering, we hide it inside ourselves with the intention of hiding it from the eyes of others. Only we know the exact location of. Our wounds and how vulnerable they make us.

Only we can make this whole picking up each of these broken pieces to become stronger because although living in experience that breaks us inside is undoubtedly one of the hardest trances that we have to face, it’s also an opportunity to. Become aware, restructure the way we understand the world and after some time has passed, rebuild ourselves again.

Martin Taylor has a moving story that we’ll share with you today. From a very young age, this man. Already knew his place in life because that was what they always repeated to him. He was the son of a domestic. Servant of some gentleman who had a lot of money. At that time it was just the two of them against the world because.

His father had left them to their fate a few months after he was born. His mother’s name is Francisca and it was difficult for her to get a job because she was carrying her newborn child. But luckily they came to this house asking for employees to stay and live.Inside the home so that it would. Be easier for them to serve the family. So Francisco came forward with a proposal and hoping to be accepted, she would work without getting paid in exchange for being allowed to raise her baby inside the section where the employees slept. At first the lady of the house was not happy with that condition, but no one in his right mind would.

Turn down free work. And that’s how Martin grew up in this home of wealthy people. But being the employee’s son. Like any child, Martin was mischievous and full of life. When he was only four years old, things were simpler because the little boy did not understand the differences that separated. Him from the rest of the children in the house. He only knew that he couldn’t go play with them as much as he wanted to. But as he grew older he became more aware of his position within that.

House and in society. Many times the owner of the home. Found him exploring the main house and that always caused problems. They shouted very ugly things at him and his mother was always the one. Who paid the consequences. And yet they didn’t fire her because. The lady of the house felt comfortable. With how Francisco cooked and how quiet. She was already in his 13 years. Martin clearly understood the differences that he had with others. Well, they had both parents in a very nice house.

He only had his mother and they. Both slept in a small room without any frills. While the other children went to school. And were given expensive gifts. Martin stayed at home helping his mother with the chores and only received a gift on his birthday. So many years in which the lady. Of the home repeated that he should. Know his place in society made Martin believe that he could only be a. Poor person, that he should work hard and should not aspire to do anything else in life.

But he never thought that things could. Get so complicated from one moment to the next because of love. Martin never sought to mix with the. Young people of the house because he. Knew that they would treat him badly because of his property. But there was someone who didn’t look at him with disgust. She was Monica, who quite the opposite. Watching Martin, she was very curious. Both young people were 15 years old when they began to see each other secretly from everyone. They were very innocent, meeting where they.

Only talked for long hours and laughed at nonsense. They both knew the risks of those encounters, but they couldn’t stop seeing each other. They’d fallen in love with each other and were willing to face the consequences. And three years later, after successfully hiding. Their relationship, they were found out. It was quite a scandal. Monica’s family was outraged and furious and. Kicked her out of the house along with Martin, whose mother tried to protect him, but she couldn’t do anything.

This is how, at the age of 18, Martin and Monica were left on. The street without any money and with an uncertain future. The young man felt very guilty for everything that had happened to him and begged his beloved to return to her. House, begging for forgiveness so that they would accept her again. But Monica, who was little or nothing interested in all her family’s money, decided. To stay with Martin, who she knew was the love of her life. So this young couple began a life full of difficulties, but very happy because.

They had each other. It was very difficult for both of. Them to have work and live with just enough. But finally things started to improve when Martin was able to buy an old car and started working as a taxi driver. It had already been seven months since. Both of them have been kicked out of their home. And things were finally going from good. To better, mainly because Martin’s mother was. Finally able to free herself from her employers. And she went to live with her. Son and his partner in the small apartment they rented on the outskirts of the city. They were good years, but also complicated.

Which passed with joy and peace until, due to the advanced age of Martin’s mother, she died. It was a great sadness for the. Couple, but they knew that loss was part of life and they were able to face it with pain. But together, Monica and Martin grew old Together, but they seemed older than they Were due to the hard life they had maintained. But the love between the two never ended. What was worth admiring, but the one.

Who was the most affected by the change in life was Monica, whose body. Couldn’T stand it any longer, and at. Only 57 years old, she died of. A very strong pneumonia. Martin was devastated. Losing his mother and now the love of his life left his heart in pieces. But he could only continue living despite everything. But his old age affected his eyes and what was terrible because it prevented. Him from continuing to work as a taxi driver. So he was left with no income to pay for a small house. So after three months of rent in.

Arrears, the house owner kicked him out with the few belongings he owned. Martin took out what he could. He didn’t know where to go, so he ended up spending the nights in his car. For someone his age, it was very. Uncomfortable to sleep in such a cramped space, but he couldn’t do anything else. So he decided to get his car. And drive it under a bridge and leave it there during the day to try to get some money to eat. And then go back to sleep at night. It was thus that his car became his new home. But to his surprise, not only his.

Because many abandoned cats began to come in search of warmth. Martin, feeling his loneliness and fear, allowed the little animals to sleep next to him. They kept each other company so they wouldn’t be alone. Martin lived that way for several years. People even got to know him as. The man of the bridge, and they. Knew he lived in his car there. There were some bad people who looked. At him ugly, but without a doubt. There were also good humans in the world. And there were a community of volunteer. Teenagers who found out about the sad life of this man and decided to. Get involved to make him happy. These kids only went to school, but they had a support group. They, upon learning the story of Martin, who lived in his car and raised.

Many kittens, decided to help. So raising funds to rebuild an animal. Shelter with a small room included so that the man could live there. That project ended four months after it began and with joy. These young people went to visit Mr. Martin because they couldn’t believe that someone. Could make such a great gesture in such a selfless way. And Mr. Martin couldn’t help but burst into tears. The place they’d built could house many little animals and was perfect for him to run. In addition, volunteers would come to help him every day. Martin couldn’t be more grateful to all of them for their great gesture.

Although he was strong all those years. In his car, he was reaching the. Limit of his endurance. Every day he woke up wishing he could leave so he could end his pain. But that action gave him the strength. To go on and continue living for. Several more years before leaving to his beloved Monica. There are people like Martin who have. An enormous ability to overcome setbacks or. Very painful emotional events. We could say that they have a very resilient personality of survivors.

On the other hand, staying well in the face of adversity means being made of rubber. Large doses of positive attitude, perseverance and. Integrity are acquired qualities to which Martin. Had to draw in order to survive loss and pain. Now tell us what you thought of. The story of Martin the Bridgeman. If you liked it, give us a. Like and leave us your valuable comment.

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