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I struggled for a long time to comprehend what anxiety was. mostly because it wasn’t discussed frequently for a long time and because it was always depicted in severe circumstances in the television programs I saw as a child. Like, do you still remember Hey Arnold? I used to believe that anxiety was something you only experienced in situations like that; however, there was a character who had a paper bag she could breathe into to calm herself when she had anxiety episodes. I also didn’t understand the distinctions between stress and anxiety.

Yet I’ve discovered that fear may take on a variety of forms. Overanalyzing social situations, feeling dread or doom, putting off a task because it is too difficult, thinking of illogical worst-case scenarios, and many other things are possible, but these are typically how mine manifest. It was really useful for me to learn to recognize what it is. Moreover, it is incredibly beneficial that so many people discuss how NORMAL these feelings are. Those are such common emotions!

Here are some activities I enjoy doing to help me decompress or regain my composure.

I will typically try to reorganize my day to be a little slower paced if I get up and can tell right away that I am extremely stressed. If I have calls that day, I’ll try to reschedule them, and if I have obligations that day, I’ll see if I can rearrange them. Typically, that immediately calms me down. This has also helped me to be much more compassionate when people cancel on me. While it may not always be a sign of anxiety, I am always thrilled to reschedule an appointment since I know it might help them feel a bit better overall.

The most crucial thing for me to remember whether I’m having a bad day or simply experiencing anxiety is to literally tell myself in my head, “This is entirely normal. It’s completely acceptable for me to be experiencing this. Just today, I need to be kind to myself. When I used to resist my feelings, it would only make them worse (examples include, “ugh why do I feel like this?! Nothing is wrong, so I shouldn’t be feeling this way,” yet the truth is that there is no reason to feel bad. Leaning into the negative feelings and accepting that emotions ebb and flow is entirely normal can make you feel wonderful. allowing yourself to experience everything, having

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