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Rahul in the UK claims to have never disparaged his nation

Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the Congress, responded to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJPcriticism )’s of his talk at Cambridge University by claiming that he hadn’t disparaged India on foreign soil and that the BJP was misrepresenting his remarks.

On Saturday, he declared, “I have never defamed my nation, and I would never do so,” in a conversation with media in London. The Prime Minister of India is the one who disparages India when he travels overseas by claiming that the previous ten years were a lost decade and nothing significant occurred during that time.

Gandhi responded, “And he’s doing it on foreign land. Gandhi stated in an earlier this week speech at Cambridge University.Gandhi is now in London as part of a seven day trip to the UK. The former Congress President explained that the IT raid on the BBC offices in Delhi and Mumbai is an illustration of the “suppression of speech across the country” in response to a question. “That has been going on in India for the past nine years, but the BBC just learned about it. Journalists that follow government policy are rewarded. All the cases will be over if the BBC stops criticizing the administration. In contemporary India, there has never been a full-scale onslaught on institutions like this one, he claimed.

The “so-called guardians of democracy,” which include the US and Europe.Congress MP also expressed regret that there is no level playing field in Indian politics for the Opposition any more. “it’s important to understand that the Opposition in India is no longer fighting a political party. We’re fighting the institutional structure of India now; the BJP and RSS which have captured almost all institutions. So, the idea of a level playing field doesn’t exist because the institutions aren’t neutral anymore” he said. “We are fighting the institutions and the RSS and the BJP. Every Opposition leader and the public also understand this,” he added