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This week is the kids’ spring break, and they have been begging to go rock-hunting. For some context. David’s father worked as a geologist for a long time before transitioning to teaching geology in high school and college. Hundreds of organized and named rocks made up his father’s impressive rock collection. After he died, we received his collection of rocks.

It is the kid’s spring break this week and they had been BEGGING to go on a rock hunting adventure. As some background.. David’s dad was a geologist for many years and then taught geology at high school and college levels. David grew up thinking his dad was Indiana Jones since he was always off in other parts of the world and always had really cool stories to share (he had about 4 entirely full passports!) His dad had a killer rock collection with hundreds of sorted and labeled rocks. We inherited his rock collection when he passed away and the kids have really picked up an interest in learning about geology! David majored in geology in college so he has especially been loving this. I have been learning about rocks along with the kids because turns out I didn’t know much. It’s been a fun family thing so we planned a trip to Quartzite, AZ which is known for rocks. It is a small town that is mostly made up of trailer parks and lots of rock shops.

We took the young ones to this fascinating rock store. The children chose some interesting crystals and geodes. When we told the store clerk that we wanted to return the following day and inquired about his opening hours, he said, “Oh sure, I’ll be in tomorrow.. maybe about 11.. maybe 11:30.. You see, I need to go to this appointment, and I’ve been trying to get an appointment for a very long time.

I’m not sure how long it will take it could take an hour or it could be faster. I’m actually going to look at this home that I have been wanting and it’s gonna be really cool so I’ll be in tomorrow like I said maybe around 11 or definitely not past 12” ….. it was the longest explanation ever haha and it made me think of something I have been working on the past year or so.

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