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TERRIFYING: Woman discovers neighbor’s body after being informed of his death by his ghost!

A Thai woman said that a ghostly voice whispered in her ear about the death of her neighbor, then she went to his house and saw that he had indeed died.

Mrs. Chan Sribua says that on August 25, 2022, she was very tired after playing with her grandchildren, so she decided to take a nap. She woke up after a “creepy” voice whispered in her ear that her 60-year-old neighbor had died.

“The man’s name was Wongxin Fodam, but everyone called him Ho-Wan. He was alone, without family and relatives, and lived nearby in a dilapidated makeshift hut,” says Chan.

The elderly woman was startled by the voice in the distance saying, “Ho-Wan is dead.” She took this message seriously and got up to wash herself before approaching a different neighbor to ask him to accompany her to Ho-hut Wan’s so they could check on him there.

But when she explained why she was making the request, he vehemently objected out of fear, and Chan Sribua left on her own. She approached Ho Wang’s hut, went inside, and discovered Ho Wang’s dead body on the bed.

She checked to see if he was truly dead before calling the police after feeling his leg.

At 1:30 pm, the cops showed there and looked around the area. They immediately declared that Wongxin Fodam had passed away three days prior and that his body showed no evidence of a violent demise.

The ghost’s voice directed Chan Sribua to a neighbor’s hut, she alerted the police right away. Perhaps Ho-ghost Wan’s wished for her to locate his remains.

Ho Wan was described in local newspapers as a daily drinker who, despite working at a factory, never had enough money for meals. And Chang Sribua never stopped feeling sorry for him and feeding him.

She gave him food and drink when she last saw him on August 20, two days before he passed away. Perhaps because she was the only person to treat him nicely, the spirit turned to her for comfort.

After an examination at the nearby Institute of Forensic Medicine, authorities declared that they were not investigating Ho Wang’s death as suspicious.

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