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The ‘conspiracy’ candidates in the US midterm elections put democracy on the line: Frum, David

According to political commentator David Frum, a strong showing by Republican candidates who subscribe to conspiracies during next week’s midterm elections in the United States could exacerbate existing democratization problems.

Several candidates in midterm contests around the nation, according to Frum, “who believe in all kinds of QAnon conspiracy theories,” and who backed former U.S. president Donald Trump’s bogus claim that the 2020 presidential election was rigged, have caused him alarm.

In an interview on The West Block that aired on Sunday, Frum said, “A lot of people who are loyal to president Trump did try, back then, to reverse (the) election.”

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“They lacked the necessary power to complete it. However, based on the outcomes of 2022, they might be able to in 2024.

He claimed that candidates who Frum referred to as “pro-Trump weirdos” have been stacked in a number of lower-profile elections. He claimed that they hold to these disproved conspiracies and that one of the main objectives of pro-Trump Republicans is to elect these people.

If the Republicans have a successful year in 2022, as it appears they will, they will elect a large number of these individuals to conduct elections in a manner that is aggressively unjust and that will disregard the wishes of the electorate, according to Frum.