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The U.S. and Japan grant BioEcho a patent for its EchoLUTIONTM technology

Two new patents covering the company’s EchoLUTION technology for nucleic acid extraction have been issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and the Japan Patent Office, respectively. BioEcho Life Sciences is a biotechnology company with headquarters in Germany that specializes in nucleic acid extraction products and services.

“Given the size of the current intellectual property landscape, this announcement represents a significant and exciting recognition for our company. Our U.S. and Japanese patent approvals are evidence of the innovation-level of the BioEcho technology “reports BioEcho CEO Dr. Markus Müller.

The patents named “Rapid purification of high-quality nucleic acids from biological samples” further strengthen the company’s intellectual property portfolio and represents the company’s idea that even the most routine molecular biology protocols can be improved.

For decades, DNA/RNA extraction has relied on silica-based methods, which encompass several washing steps before eluting the purified nucleic acids. The innovative EchoLUTION technology allows DNA and RNA extraction in one single centrifugation step: Nucleic acids pass through the purification matrix without interaction, while impurities are held back and completely removed.

The result is a high-quality and inhibitor-free DNA or RNA ready for downstream applications. Moreover, the technology per se means that, due to fewer steps, less consumables are needed, which translated into a huge reduction of the plastic need.