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Unaware Of Her Pregnancy, A Young Mother Visited The Hospital For Appendicitis And Left With A Baby

It should come as no surprise that there is a lot of planning involved because having a baby is a moment that will change your life.

Expectant parents want to be fully prepared for when the time comes, from picking the best time in one’s life to have a child to purchasing all of the essential items one needs.

Parents aren’t always given the option to make advance plans, though. Stories about mothers visiting the hospital after feeling ill only to return with a baby occasionally appear.

This was the case for Kayla Simpson, whose story was shared on TikTok and has since received over 18 million views. She had no idea how many people would watch her video, but given the craziness of her story, it came as no surprise that it did.

Simpson was seen holding Madison in the video, which was published on October 28, 2022, as text narrated her experience. I was a sophomore in college when I went to the hospital, believing I had appendicitis, 9 months later, to start the story.

She elaborated: “Doctors didn’t know what was wrong in the ER. While they were doing an ultrasound my mom saw something familiar on the screen.”

“Seconds later I started screaming in pain and the doctor ran in. It was a head!!” she recalled dramatically, and continued: “I was rushed up to give birth. I pushed her out 15 min later in 3 tries.”

For anyone in utter shock who’s thinking, “How could this have happened?” Simpson explained that she had no pregnancy symptoms: “I had no bump, my period and was the skinniest I’ve ever been.” Thankfully Simpson and her daughter were fine after the emergency labor. She added: “Came home 2 days later with a perfectly healthy baby and my best friend. She’s now about to turn 1 and we are doing amazing!”

People could not believe Simpson’s story. Some women commented how they were baffled she couldn’t feel movement inside her belly. Meanwhile, others wrote they felt this was the best way to have a baby. Another woman revealed basically the same thing had happened to her a few weeks prior.

After Simpson’s original video went viral, the young mother felt the need to make a follow-up video and give viewers more insight into her story. People had misunderstood her original video and thought she was at a college party when she went to the hospital. However, she explained she’d left college already and had been living at home with her parents. She added she barely partied or drank during the nine months as she spent the majority of her time at home with family.

As for not having any signs of pregnancy, Simpson shocked viewers with the news that she still had her period the entire time, had no baby bump and, in fact, was at her skinniest ever weight after losing 30 pounds!

She ended the video by showing screenshots of the text exchange between her parents as her mom updated her dad on what was happening at the hospital. Simpson’s dad’s disbelief could easily symbolize all viewers of the video, as the story is so incredible.

Since giving birth, Simpson has used her TikTok to share videos of her baby and journey as a young mother. To her delight, singer Meghan Trainor — whose song “Made You Look” Simpson used in her original video — even wrote a comment congratulating her on Madison: “Wowwwwww ur incredible 🥰 she’s perfect 🥺.”

Do you know anyone with a similarly unexpected story like this? Let us know, then pass this on so others can read about Kayla Simpson’s unbelievable pregnancy!

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