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Zelenskyj wants Putin to spend his entire life urinating in a bucket in the basement – POLITICO

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the president of Ukraine, wants Vladimir Putin to live out the remainder of his days in a cellar, using a bucket as a toilet.

Zelensky made the comments during a speech while on a visit to Yahidne, a town in the Chernihiv region of northern Ukraine, where Russian forces imprisoned ordinary Ukrainians inhumanely during the early stages of the all-out invasion of the Kremlin.

In April of last year, when Ukrainian army freed the hamlet from the Russians, they found a school basement where the Russians had imprisoned over 400 villagers for 27 days. While being held against their will, eleven people passed away in the basement.

Zelenskyy visited Yahidne’s basement on the anniversary of the liberation and spoke with the people.

They have been anticipating the arrival of our forces. They lived to tell the world about the awful catastrophe that the Russian people and their President put upon them, he said. “We have heard about pain, abuse, and brutal treatment.”

Around 400 people lived in Jahidne before to the occupation, 370 of whom were imprisoned in the basement, according to Zelenskyj. “In order to avoid forgetting the deceased, adults wrote their names and dates of death on the walls. The lyrics to the Ukrainian national song were also written by youngsters, according to Zelenskyy.

Robert Habeck, the vice chancellor of Germany, paid an unexpected visit to Ukraine on Monday, and Zelenskyj went to Yahidne with him.

“It’s crucial that our partners see this and go to basements like this.